Last year, the U.S. real??? estate market continued its recovery from the economic recession of the late 2000s. In fact, the real estate sector brought more jobs to some states, including Oregon.
According to The Oregonian, the state’s real estate segment increased its workforce to 32,700 staff members in 2012. Meanwhile, home sales in Portland,??one of the state’s most populated cities, rose 19 percent on a year-over-year basis.
The real estate segment could be a popular job sector in 2013. Fox Business reports that the improvement of the real estate market could lead to new employment opportunities for qualified professionals.
“If the market continues to improve the jobs will also improve,” real estate industry professional Phil Stott told the news source.
Additionally, property buyers are showing more interest in homes that feature a vast array of green technologies. Real estate professionals may market these properties to buyers, which could further enhance the real estate market and provide more positions to job seekers across the country. Meanwhile, the improving real estate segment could substantially affect the national economy by bringing more revenue to the country.
Content provided by executive search organization, MRINetwork.