Working at a burger joint or waiting tables at the local diner is, in some ways, considered to be a rite of passage to adulthood. With many Americans still struggling to find work, though, these positions are getting filled by older applicants looking for full-time employment – a big order to fill that has some owners feeling conflicted and others thankful.

McDonalds has been a steady source of employment for people of all ages, though the company is now focusing more on the high school and college mindset. According to Maclean's, the fast food giant's hiring motto is "for a year or a career," meaning that the business expects heavy turnover. This could be good news for some people that who a job now but may want to move to a different profession once the economy has stabilized further. The source wrote that a recent national job fair event brought in more than 37,000 applications and facilitated the hiring of around 5,000 new McDonalds employees.

Other chain restaurants such as Wendy's are also serving the American people more financial security on top of their side of fries. Bloomberg reported that fast food restaurants had seen about 3 percent overall payroll growth in the last few months, with new stores opening all the time across the country and helping to provide more work for a multitude of communities.

Content provided by executive search organization, MRINetwork.

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