Forbes recently released a list of the top cities to find employment in the U.S. for various sectors. Rankings took into account cost of living, what industries were present, and the variety of jobs available. The cities range all over the country, but Texas took the first and third spots. Florida and New York also had two cities on the list. Every city but one was hiring for business and professional services. Healthcare and manufacturing were also well represented.
Austin, Texas, and Madison, Wisconsin, were the highest rated locations for job seekers. According to Forbes, both cities have low unemployment, well-connected universities, and high community pride, all of which contribute to attainable employment. Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the Austin metropolitan area has the lowest unemployment rate in the country.
Though most cities listed shared a small number of industries, there were some standouts: Miami, Florida, counted aerospace among its hiring sectors; Houston, Texas, was hiring for transportation; and New York City was a good fit for the fashion industry.
Columbus, Ohio, represented the Rust Belt in the middle of the list, boasting manufacturing and technology jobs. The only West Coast appearance on the list was the Inland Empire area of California, with distribution, warehousing, and manufacturing positions.