The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) recently released data that showed gains for the U.S. economy. According to the report, there have been seven consecutive quarters of ridership growth on buses, commuter rail and subways as of September 30, 2012.

Riders have used public transportation 7.9 billion times between January 2012 and September 2012. Additionally, APTA President Michael Melaniphy said he expects 10 billion public transportation rides by the end of the year.

"It's not just an urban phenomenon," Melaniphy told the National Journal. "Cities under 100,000 people are seeing good growth. Demand is pushing the capacity of what they can handle."

Recent statistics revealed that 60 percent of transit rides are work commutes, as many employees rely on public transportation to access their jobs.

A new Ohio project could provide multiple benefits by enhancing roads and creating highway construction and transportation jobs. State officials recently accepted the Ohio Turnpike Opportunity Analysis and will bond future toll revenues to raise funds for important road and bridge projects. The additional funding could help enhance roads throughout the state and bring new jobs to the area.

Content provided by executive search organization, MRINetwork.

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