The U.S. real estate industry enjoyed significant growth in 2012, as more homebuyers entered the marketplace. In fact, several industry specialists anticipate the segment will continue to expand in 2013, and they are basing their predictions on various data from sector professionals.
According to InvestmentNews' 2013 Investment Outlook survey of 592 advisers, 35.6 percent of respondents said real estate will be a top performer among investment choices in the United States. Meanwhile, 29.4 percent of survey participants stated that real estate would be the second-best investment option.
Calvin Schnure, chief researcher and economist with the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, said that some industry experts are concerned that the majority of property buyers will focus their attention exclusively on acquiring homes in 2013. However, he points out that apartments will remain viable choices this year because these properties provide significant value.
"There are 3 [million] to 5 million in doubled-up households. As the job market improves and young adults get employed or get a raise, they will be ready for their own apartment," Schnure told the news source.
Content provided by executive search organization, MRINetwork.