Though hybrid vehicles only represent one percent of the cars on the road in 2013, the market share of hybrid vehicles has been on the rise, going from 2.2 percent in 2011 to 3.1 percent in 2012 according to an analysis of the hybrid vehicle sector by Experian Automotive. In the first two months of 2013, hybrid car sales jumped 32 percent when compared to the same period in 2012, notes data from Autodata Corp.
"Hybrid vehicle owners have long been perceived as environmentally conscience consumers," said Experian's Melinda Zabritski. "While they may have made the vehicle purchase due to caring for the environment, our research shows that hybrid owners are economically minded as well. Hybrid owners tend to have outstanding credit histories, which also has enabled them to obtain financing at lower rates than typical consumers."
The popularity of hybrid vehicles has been pushed by several factors, such as increasing gasoline prices, improved efficiency and a wider range of models to choose between. For the first time ever in 2013, consumers even have the option to purchase a hybrid Ferrari, though the 949 horsepower machine will run a buyer about a million dollars reports the Los Angeles Times.
The most popular common hybrid cars on the road are manufacture {d} by Toyota, according to Experian, as four of the top five selling models are made by the Japanese manufacturer.
Content provided by executive search organization, MRINetwork.