Connecticut-based submarine manufacturer Electric Boat Corporation has announced plans to recruit hundreds of engineers in 2012 at its shipyard facility in Groton.

Speaking during the company's legislative meeting, Electric Boat president John Casey said the company's financial outlook is the best it  has ever been, according to the Norwich Bulletin. Casey said the company expects to hire 300 engineers this year, with only temporary layoffs planned for some of its maintenance workers.

Electric Boat cut its maintenance workforce by 133, but hired an additional 365 engineers last year.

The news came as a new report found that the U.S. needs to do a better job at creating and training for high-quality manufacturing and engineering jobs.

According to the Georgetown University report written by Harry Holzer and published in the Winter Issues of Science and Technology, the federal government must fund programs that will support the skills needed to revitalize U.S. businesses.

"To do so," Holzer writes, "it needs to create and fund more-coherent and more-effective education and workforce-development systems. Furthermore, these programs should take advantage of the latest evidence on effective training to maximize their impact."

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